Why Do I Keep Attracting Certain People?

“You Attract What You Are/Think”

This is the main belief of the “Law of Attraction”. If you’ve never heard of the LOA, it is basically this: “the New Thought spiritual movement, the Law of Attractioon, is a psuedoscience based on the belief that positive or negative throughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person;s life.”

There is nothing in Scripture that gives credence to this belief. Though some may take verses like:

  • Proverbs 23:7: “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.”

  • Mark 9:23: “And Jesus said to him, “If you can! All things are possible for one who believes.”;

  • Matthew 9:29: “Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.”

  • Luke 6:38: “give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

  • Mark 11:24: “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

    out of context to justify the Law of Attraction. But this is a gross misuse of the Scriptures for selfish and fleshly reasons. Faith is NOT the same as the Law of Attraction. Faith is the belief in God to do something whereas the LOA is believing that YOU have cvomplete power to make things happen, or manifest, in your life. Manifestation is also attached to the LOA beliefs.

This law of attraction belief is extremely damaging and toxic. It has people doing nothing but people living in a loop of fear, discouragement, frustration, pride, toxic positivitiym dismissieness of suffering, and no trusting God as we should.


You don’t always attract “what you are”. Because we are all uniquely made in the image of God and live in a fallen world, it’s really not about who you attract. At some point in all of our lives, all kinds of unhealthy people will be attracted to us even if we are healing, healthy, and growing in Christ. Doing and thinking “good” does not always equal good things happening to us. Look at the disciples that Jesus had. Jesus is GOD and look at what happened to Him during His earthly ministry.

This is not a test until you get something right. 

This is not the “universe” trying to teach you a lesson. 

This is not karma.  

None of that foolishness. 

Jesus attracted all kinds of people and He is God: perfectly loving, holy, just, righteous, all powerful, and GOOD. There are people who see what you have. They see how amazing you are; your compassion, your tenacity, your healing, whatever it is; and they want that for themselves too. But there are others who see those qualities and want to tear and bring you down. You cannot control who crosses your path and who is attracted to you no matter how hard you try. 


You CAN control WHO YOU ARE ENTERTAINING. that speaks volumes more than who is attracted to you.

As followers of Jesus, people will be drawn to you your light and your personality because: 1) they want to be encouraged and inspired by you or 2) they want to drain and suck the life out of you. 

You have to establish, communicate, enforce healthy boundaries.

You have to give consequences for violating your boundaries. 

You have to resolve to dip out as soon as you see red flags. They are a sign of danger and what is unhealthy for YOU.

Just because someone offers you GARBAGE doesn’t mean you accept it. Refuse to receive it.

Just because you see dog poop on the sidewalk when you’re on a walk doesn’t mean you step in it. Walk around it.

Give yourself grace as you are learning and familiarizing yourself with red flags! We have been conditioned to question ourselves MORE than we question others. And while we should be self-aware and regularly reflecting, we should not be assuming that we are the problem or that it’s our fault. Instead, reset your standards and remind yourself that you are worthy of loving and healthy connetions.


  1. What lies have you been falsely believing from misguided people and the enemy about who you have been “attracting?

  2. What truths does God want you to replace with those lies?

  3. How are you going to make sure you set boundaries and use discernment and wisdom with who you allow into youtr life?

APPLY THIS AFFIRMATION: “God loves and values me. I love and value myself. I will not believe lies about who I am attracting into my life, but I WILL take responsibility for who I entertain and allow into my life. God will give me discernment wisdom as I learn to do this.”


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