Dating 101: Ghosting

“Respect the dead and move on.”


“What is it?”

No, it doesn’t have anything to do with being haunted by the ghosts of your exes in Poltergeist fashion or contacting the dead through a medium. It is “the act of ceasing all communication with a potential romantic interest without warning or explanation.”

“Why does this happen?”

Unless you were a horrible or disrespectful person to someone who crossed some serious boundaries, it’s not you, so don’t take it personally. This is normally the response of a cowardly and emotionally immature person who can’t communicate that they are not ready for a relationship or no longer interested in getting to know you.

Ghosting can be hard to accept. but the right man of God for you would not do something like this. Being ghosted is unfortunately normal, but consider it God’s protection from someone who is an obvious red flag.

“Is it ever ok to ghost someone?”

If you are no longer interested in someone, I believe the mature thing to do is tell them that there’s a better fit out there for them, wish them the best, and move on. If they respond negatively to you, it’s not your problem.

Though it is normally seen as inconsiderate and emotionally immature, sometimes ghosting IS necessary:

  1. Inconsistent or unreliable communication on their part.

  2. Disrespect/disregard for your personal boundaries and safety.

  3. They won’t stop messaging/texting when you’ve already communicated that you’re not interested.

  4. You suspect a catfish.

  5. Patterns/signs of lying, cheating, or dishonesty.

  6. They make you threatened/uneasy/uncomfortable (even if you can’t put your finger on why).

  7. You feel used.

“How do I know when I’m about to be ghosted?”

If you and the person:

  • Were having a good conversation where there was clear mutual interest;

  • Were both asking engaging questions and answering with depth;

Then all of a sudden…

  • The communication is becoming short and detached;

  • They are uninterested in conversation and it lacks depth;

  • They rarely respond to your texts or calls or take days to respond;

  • They stopped or never made plans to get together;

What do I do if I am ghosted?”

If things were going well and all of a sudden you find yourself ghosted, what should you do?

First off, don’t blame yourself. If you’ve honestly not said or done anything wrong, it’s not you, it’s them.

You have 2 options if you’ve been ghosted:

  1. Nothing. Delete all previous messages, block on all platforms necessary, and MOVE ON.

  2. Send a short message, delete all previous messages, block on all platforms necessary, and MOVE ON.

I don’t recommend engaging with someone who has ghosted you, but ig you really believe you need to say something, keep it classy and to the point:

“It seems like you’re no longer interested in conversing. Take care.” Then block them. We don’t need any cowardly humans crawling back to contact you out of boredom.

“Do I really need to block them?”

Blocking seems harsh to some people, but sometimes it is absolutely warranted. It’s totally up to you, but I do recommend it. If you have a habit of getting attached too easily, you definitely need to block them. Don’t make it a habit of leaving a door open with the hopes that they will come back or that if they do, you’ll be open. You deserve better than that. And if you wouldn’t do it to someone, you shouldn’t tolerate someone who would do it to you either. Blocking is a type of boundary and a standard for what you will and won’t allow in your life. In either case, move on and don’t look back. And don’t ever allow them to come back into your life. When you have standards for how you want to be treated, stand firm on them.

The end.🙃

How do I cope with being ghosted?”

  1. DON’T INTERNALIZE: It’s not your fault you were ghosted if you honestly didn’t do anything to deserve it. They couldn’t communicate that they were no longer interested and that’s an indication of their immaturity, not that something is wrong with you.

  2. Accept the hard truth: They aren’t interested in you anymore. Maybe they never were and were just bored. Who knows and honestly, who cares? Rejection sucks, but we all have dealt with this at some point. You’re not alone in that.

  3. Set boundaries: learn to recognize the early signs of ghosting and set standards for what you will and won’t tolerate from someone you’re getting to know. If someone doesn’t have similar (not identical) standards for

  4. Focus on you: Focus on yourself what you were doing before you met them. Continue living your amazing life for God.

  5. Think about the future & let go: You are more than worthy of someone who won’t ghost you. There are more people to meet and more people who do not ghost. Look forward to meeting new people and keep living your life. God has amazing things planned for you!


  1. Have you ever been ghosted? What did you do?

  2. Have you ever ghosted someone? Why?

  3. After reading this post, what will you do differently when you are ghosted?


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