The Holistically Healthy Woman of God

Have you ever felt disconnected from yourself as a Christian woman? Like you weren’t quite… whole and didn’t understand YOU? It could be because the church and/or our upbringing did not not do a very good job of helping us grow into who we uniquely are as women of God in a way that encompasses ALL of who HE made us to be: body, soul, and spirit.

Since that has been the case for a lot of us, we have not known how to care fo our whole selves and it has been to our detriment. Some of the ways this has manifested? not knowing how to:
- seek God through prayer and His Word to address and navigate every area of our lives;
- navigate our sexuality in a God-honoring and healthy way;
- care for our mental health;
- establish, communicate, and enforce healthy boundaries;
- date with discernment and wisdom;
- maintain healthy familial and friend relationships;
- find and pursue our specific calling in life.
And more.

While it is of the utmost importance that we seek to know ourselves, there is no way we can actually do that if we don’t know God first.. After coming into a relationship with the Father through faith in Jesus Christ, and born again by the power of Holy Spirit, it is then that we can come to the understanding that our whole being - body, soul, and spirit - absolutely matters to God and should therefore matter to us.

A healthy woman of God recognizes that she is beautifully created in the image of God and given value, worth, and dignity by Him and Him alone. Her purpose is to glorify Him with her life and tell others about the relationship that they need and salvation that can only be found in Him. After that, she recognized that she has a specific calling based on the gifts, passions, talents, and skills that God has given her.

In the next posts, we will go more in depth about what it means to be a holistically healthy woman of God!


1. When did you first realize you felt disconnected from who you believed God created you to be?
2. What were your initial thoughts and feelings surrounding your disconnection and how have you been processing through them?


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