Sick of American Evangelicalism

“Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for i am gentle and lowly in hearts, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

“I’m tired of this church.”

These words were spoken in front of a local church fellowship by a 6-year-old boy from Oakland, California who was supposed to be presenting a Christmas Day speech in December 2018. The video of him went viral and is admittedly funny. Kids say some of the funniest things and can be dead serious about it even when they don’t understand exactly what they have said.

But when you see his little face, you can tell he’s very serious. I wonder what he was tired of? I would be so interested to have a conversation and ask him. Children can be very insightful and offer correction even to adults when they are wrong.

What I’m even more curious about, friend is this: Are YOU tired? Are you tired of the Church? Or are you tired of American churchianity that is placing more emphasis on religious habits and traditions while masquerading itself as Christianity by professing followers of Jesus who aren’t actually pursuing lives that are truly in step with the Gospel?

If you’re tired, where have you sought solace and retreat? Have you seen the bondage that American Churchianity has, yet run headlong towards the world and their false sense of liberty? Or have you retreated into the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ to find complete rest?

I won’t pretend to know exactly where you are, but I know the same Savior you do if you’re a Believer. And if you’re not a Believer, I was once where you are now and I can bet that we have some of the same concerns at this present moment.

You are free to wonder, to question, to seek answers. Remember that wherever you are, God sees you. He hears you. And He is with you.


The Holistically Healthy Woman of God


Good Grief: Bringing Us to God