Mind, Body, Soul Reflection

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The purpose of this Mind, Body, Soul Reflection Guide is to go deeper with the Lord and your self-reflection/awareness whenever it’s needed. Use this soul care tool daily, weekly, etc. to stay focused and encouraged in Christ! Feel free to arrange or add to any of these questions in a way that works best for you!


Your soul is you FIRST priority. This means putting your relationship with God before anything else you do. You have to be poured into by God through His Word before you can pour out to others. 

When you take care of your soul in this way, THEN you will have the joy and energy to prioritize taking care of others because you are resting in Christ. But you will not neglect yourself to care for others nor neglect others to care for yourself. Balance is key! 

Remember: God is in control! Jesus is King! Holy Spirit lives in and guides you to live righteously in light of God's Word. 

Feelings are valid, but they can deceive you since they don’t always equal truth. Remember to speak God's Word over your life. You know you can trust God and choose to believe that everything will fall into place according to His will because He loves you and knows what is best for you!  ♥ 

Don’t project. Don’t make excuses. Do your continual heart work and ask God for help.

*for the questions that are relevant, ask God how you can continue growing in that particular area. *


How are you doing/feeling in this current moment? Why? What’s the root?

How is your day/week going so far?

What has been life-giving about today/this week? What has been life-draining/frustrating?

How have you been stewarding your God-given time today? This week? What are some ways you can improve this? 

What are you thankful for? Why? 


How have you been sleeping? When is the last time you felt fully rested? What can you do to improve your rest? 

Are you going to bed and getting up at a time that is good for your mind, body, and soul?

Have you gotten any fresh air or other form of exercise today? Do you plan to do that today? How can you improve this? 

How much water have you had today? How can you improve this? 

When is the last time you fed your body good food? How can you improve this? 


Do you prioritize the care of your soul? If yes, how? If no, why not and how can you grow in this area? 

“I would describe my relationship with God using these three words…” 

“Lately, to spend time with God, I usually...” How can I grow in this area? 

Have I spent time with Jesus? When did I last spend time with Him? In the Word? In prayer? Journaling?  

If no or “I don’t know”, why not and when will you plan to do that? How can you grow in this area? 

Are you applying what you read in the Word to you life? Does God's Word live in your heart? How can you grow in this area?

What is frustrating about your current relationship/interaction with God? Why? How can you change/grow in this area?

How have you experienced God lately? His goodness, correction, love, truth, fruit of the Spirit, etc.? 

How are you honoring God with and using the resources - time, talents/gifts, treasures - that He has given you to steward and use for His Kingdom? Where do you need to grow in this area?  

What things are presently occupying your mind and heart? What needs to be replaced/put off and put on? (Colossians 3:1-17)

Are there any idols in your life that need to be torn down? 

What are some of your sin struggles? How are you actively and practically fighting them? What sins do you need to repent of and turn away from? 

What stresses you out? 

Are you holding on to or stressing over things that you need to let go of and give to God? 

What hopes and desires do you have that you need to submit to God? 

Are you closer to Jesus now than when you first got saved? Are you walking in the righteousness of Christ?

Are you consistently growing in trusting Christ instead of your works?

Do your friends and family see God in you?

Are you trustworthy?

Are you a slave to your friends, habits, work, or how you dress?

Are you honest in your words and actions?

Do your passions, personal life, and gifts bring God glory?

Are you seeking to “pray without ceasing”?

Are you self-pitying, justifying, or conscious today?

Are you continually in awe of God?

Are you a good steward of what God has given you?

Are you maintaining a balanced spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental/intellectual life?

Are you managing you free time wisely?

Are you sharing about your relationship with Jesus? When is the last time you spoke openly about Christ? When was the last time you served someone in Christ’s name?

Are you envious, irritable, or impure towards anyone in your life?

You should be honest with God about your emotions, but have you developed a habit of complaining about the wrong things or not being able to trust God in the midst of your frustrations and problems?

Have you celebrated the little things in the Lord lately?

Are you being obedient in the little things?

Have you thought about, heard, seen, done anything or been anywhere that hasn’t honored God? Do you grieve over your sin and rejoice in righteousness?

Are you watching over your heart with diligence? Is your heart growing in the likeness of Christ’s?

How is God transforming your heart?

What heart-change needs to take place in order for you to grow in Christian maturity?

How are you abiding in Jesus? (John 15:4)


Who are some people that you are thankful for? 

Have you checked on/called a friend or loved one recently?

Who do you talk to? Are you nurturing your relationships with the people you care about? 

Have you spent time with friends and loved ones? 

When is the last time you did either or both of these? 

Have you done something thoughtful for someone else this week? (something that honors God, loves someone else, encourages selflessness, takes your mind off stress and problems?)

Do you have plans this weekend with people that will bring you joy? 


Are you taking anything for granted?

Have you asked for help when you've needed it? 

Identify one win from today, this week, this month, this year. 

What are some examples of how far you've come this year?  

What is different today than it was a year ago that you’re grateful for? 

How do you live when you’re by yourself? 

What do you look forward to? 

What gives you joy? 


What are your boundaries? Physically? Emotionally? Mentally? Relationally? Financially?

Are they helping you spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, and financially? How can you set better ones? 


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