Bible Study Guide

This is a lengthy guide, but feel free to skip over questions, simplify, and utilize this in any way that will benefit you and your studies as you grow deeper in your relationship with God. If you have any questions or want to study together at any point, please let me know and please feel free to share this with others! :)

“Why do we study God’s Word?”


  • Know God and His character

  • Know who we are and why we were created.

  • Grow in intimacy with Him.

  • Learn and know His voice and when He speaks to us.

  • Discern truth regarding what is Biblical, unbiblical, extrabiblical truth, error, and heretical.

  • Apply the Word to our lives so that we can grow in life and godliness.

  • Grow in understanding, discernment, wisdom, and the fruit of the Spirit.

What other reasons can you think of? Why are you wanting to study God’s Word?



Research/read background on the author, overall theme(s), historical, and cultural context of the book you are reading. If you don't have a study Bible, here are a few resources for reading about the background that you can find online:


I would suggest first going through the whole study guide with your chosen text and being guided by Holy Spirit to interpret the text for itself, not by what *you* or even someone else believes it means. The text interprets the text. Then, if there is something you get stuck on in the text, the footnotes of your study Bible or one or a few of the commentaries should be helpful to better understand what you may be confused about. God has given each Believer Holy Spirit to dwell in us and that means we have a personal relationship with Him and trust that He will guide us into all truth.



This is important and a good habit to grow into doing before you start. First, thank God for His Word that transforms our hearts, minds, and informs us about Him. Repent of your sins and ask God for a heart cleanse. Pray for wisdom and understanding from Holy Spirit; to discern and apply what you read rightly to your mind, life, and heart; no distractions, and the opportunity to share God's truth and love with others. Pray whatever else is on your heart.


1) Read the whole chapter from the book you'll plan on studying. It's important to get an overall context of the chapter you'll be reading.

2) Choose 1-5 verses from the book to read. (or more if you'd like and it won't be too overwhelming for you.)

2) Read the passage 3-5 times.


Write out the passage in your journal.

*Some of the following questions may not be relevant to what you are studying. If that's the case, just skip over them. :) *


1) Who is the author?

2) Who is the author speaking to?

3) In what style or genre was it written in?

4) What is the author saying?

5) What is happening in the passage? What observations do you see?

6) What is the author doing?

7) What is the context?

8) What is the location/setting?


1) Restate the passage in your own words. This can aid with being able to refer back to specific passages for overall ideas, even if not with specific verse memorization.

2) In one or a few sentences, what is the overall theme? What does the passage mean?

3) What repeating words do you see?

a) Write them down and write how many times each word repeats next to it.

Example: for John 1:1-5 I would write:

Repeating Words

1. Beginning (2)

2. Word (3)

3. God/Him (6)

4) Define each word.


Repeating Words & Definitions

1. Beginning (2)- the start of something

2. Word (3) - distinct meaningful element of speech or writing

3. God/Him (6) - creator and ruler of universe and all things; moral authority

5) Cross reference: a reference to another text or part of a text, typically given in order to elaborate on a point.

After you have written the repeating words and definitions, start a new section for cross references underneath that section. Find verses (make sure they aren't out of context) from other books in the Word that go along with each word. These will help bring more understanding to the Word and how this fits into the overall redemptive narrative of scripture. Write as many cross references as you'd like. The goal is always a deeper love for God and His Word! :)

Cross References

1. Beginning:

"In the BEGINNING God created the heavens and the earth". - Genesis 1:1

"The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments; his praise endureth forever." - Psalm 111:10

*think about how these cross references point back to God and His character!* :)

6) How does this passage fit into the overall narrative of Scripture?

7) How does this passage fit into the overall redemptive plan of God?

8) How do these words, themes, and observations point back to God and His character?


1) What does this teach me about God?

2) How does this point to God the Father? What does this passage teach us about God the Father and...

a) His character?

b) How he works?

c) How we should relate to Him?

3) How does this point to Jesus?

4) What does this teach us about Jesus and...

a) His character?

b) How He works?

c) How we should relate to Him?

5) How does this point to Holy Spirit?

6) What does this teach us about Holy Spirit and...

a) His character?

b) How He works?

c) How we should relate to Him?

7) What does this say/teach about...

A) Us as humans?

b) Human nature?

C) What we can learn about ourselves?

8) What does this say about Believers? Unbelievers?


1) How can this passage and these truths about God teach you how to live?

2) How can you apply what you have learned in this passage to your life?

3) What are you going to do about what the passage says and means?

4) What truths are there to meditate on?

5) Are there:

a) Examples for us to follow?

b) Sins to repent of and/or avoid?

c) Promises to trust?

d) Encouragements?

e) Commands to obey?

f) Prayers to repeat?

g) Verses to memorize?

h) Corrections or wrong views exposed?

6) How does the truth revealed here affect:

a) my relationship with God?

b) my relationship with others?

c) me personally?

d) my response to sin, my flesh, the world, and Satan?

7) Where do you see the Gospel within this passage?

8) How is God instructing, empowering, encouraging, and/or warning you with this passage?

9) What aspects of God’s character have you seen more clearly in this passage? Knowing this, how can you better live in light of this?

10) What biblical truths are there to apply to your life?

11) What else is the Lord pressing upon your heart?


Thank God for giving you His Word, discernment, wisdom, and understanding from Holy Spirit. Ask Him to continue growing in these areas and to help you apply what you have learned to your life. Pray whatever else is on your heart.


What is the Gospel?


Dating 101: 191 Dating Questions